In an age where credit is needed to do just about anything from getting a job, leasing a house, buying a house, to obtaining financing on a car it is vitally important to correct credit concerns and maintain a good healthy credit score.
To correct credit score concerns, it takes months of commitment, dedication, and thoughtful financial planning. The first step is to obtain your credit report. Many consumers consult a physician for an annual health check up. It is a best practice to obtain an annual checkup on your financial health. Many companies such as and offer an annual free credit report. In viewing a credit report, check for accuracies and inaccuracies. The reporting data bases will typically provide instructions on how to correct those hiccups on the reports should information not be correct.
Secondly, pay past due balances. A Past due balance is very damaging to your credit score. Pay off the debt or at least make a payment arrangement with the provider to show an initiative to re pay the obligation. In consideration, most consumers will then see the negative reporting information lift from the credit file and see the credit score increase.
A strong tip to continue, is to use less available credit. Carrying a $3,500 balance on a $5,000 limit credit card does not help a credit profile. Try to pay the balance down as much as possible. Another helpful suggestion is to ask the creditor for an increase in the credit limit, keep in mind there is a chance the creditor will run your credit to determine eligibility.
Lastly, carefully be selective on the credit accounts that are closed. If there are credit files that have not been used in years, consider closing the active line. It is always a good idea to speak with a financial analysis to determine the proper strategy to increase a credit score.
Once a consumers credit file is healthy and qualified, contact one of our agents with Emblem Properties and we will guide you through obtaining your real estate dream, whether it is to own a home or lease a home.
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